unORDINARY follows the life of John Doe, a male teenager attending Wellston Private High School, a prestigious school where every student possesses all kinds of special powers. Due to him being a cripple (ordinary), John is bullied and beaten by others on a daily basis. One day, he encounters Seraphina, the God-Tier and Ace of Wellston, who also ambushes him over the school's prized chocolate cake; though they eventually develop a bond and become friends. He later also became friends with the mysterious yet friendly person, Joseph, a student from abroad. However, while John has a dark secret that nobody knows about, so does Joseph. As his life went downhill in Wellston, his relationship with Joseph increased. And as their relationship increase, more and more about Joseph is revealed. . . . . I DON'T OWN UNORDINARY! IT BELONG RIGHTLY TO URU-CHAN IN WEBTOON. Check it out! . . . . .