It's been three years since best friends Adora and Catra fell out. Both now have new groups of friends, new priorities, new ambitions. Catra's dedicated to learning more instruments, more dance styles: anything that will increase her chances of making it big in the industry. Adora has been invited back to help their theatre teacher direct - spending her time reviewing scripts, choreographing scenes, organising shows.
They're both consumed in their own goals.
But neither have moved on from the fall-out.
It's now their senior year of high school, and everyone - themselves included - are stoked when they discover what the senior production is going to be. Bright Moon High's very own performance of Rent. Adora's ecstatic to be directing again, but Catra's not going to make it easy for her.
Not after auditioning for one of the sexiest characters in musical theatre...
"It was fun distracting you, though..."
(obv all characters and stuff belongs to noelle stevenson, netflix and dreamworks)