Ven, an overworked and stressed avian, seeks refuge after escaping an assasination attempt in his home. finding himself cornered in an alleyway with the assasin, thrones, right in front of him only to be saved by the daughter of the company thrones was hired for and casino owner, Mecha. with her knocking thrones out and taking ven into her casino to watch over him, her father, who runs an company doing many terrible things decides to visit the empty casino without mecha knowing. Mecha, who needed to think quick shoved ven behind the bar counter as she spoke to her father.
he was on the hunt for ven and his bloodline after a deal gone wrong..
A bullied kid from the city of new york finds an unlikely friend that aids him in life. At first he had trouble coping with him but in sometime they managed it. When he was assaulted, his friend attacked and went on a rampage that lead him to his demise and also to his better life.