Cosima is in love with her best friend. While trying to confess, she somehow gets interrupted by a tall, black haired guy that pretty much just tells her to drop her plans and never tell him. These two end up being the most chaotic duo someone could ask for. Like two Idiots combined forces. Elyia ends up trying to help Cosima out of her misery with getting her over Noah. How do they do it? Don't even ask. Like, just don't. All I know is, that it doesn't end like how they had planned. I mean, read below. Sounds like something really went south. - "That was my first time!" Blue eyes sat up and the covers sat dangerously low on his lap. "Now you at least know what you're supposed to do, If you ever happen to get in bed with him." His blue eyes lit up evilshly and I showed him my prettiest finger. My mittlefinger. -