26 parts Complete MatureCOMPLETED
{~~~ "Will you tell me where you are?" He asks, voice soft in approach.
Eva hesitated, jaw crumbling from language, "I .. ugh. As much as I appreciate your apology, it's not enough."
Walking so close that they were inches apart, he stared down at her face and felt his chest melt. This warmth was different than the rage he usually felt and he only ever found it when he looked at her. "What can I do then?"
His hand took a hold of her cheek, craddling her head in his palm as she leaned into him, unable to help herself.
"Prove that you want me there for all the right reasons."
"I want you for all the wrong ones," he answers back in a low tone, watching her eyes light up at his words.~~~}
(Yes, my stab at a Kylo fic)
Eva Lucia is just a witch living amongst royals, working in King Hannon's stables and kitchens. A life to fulfill the beauty of the mundane.
But when the Prince kills his own father, Eva will find her comfortable existance combusting - leaving bruises and scars. Can she escape this nightmare with all her pieces, including her heart?