He was there alone, crouched, hands hugging his knees while he cried his eyes off.
Ears still numb after the loud click sound that got him where he is now.
He had trouble to breath the more he inhaled the air around him, which was contaminated with violet dust.
A few seconds have passed, he began feeling some strong stomping vibrations coming all around him on the ground.
In the horizon he witnessed hundreds of horrific beasts, some had hornes, some wings, others both, but they definitely all looked eager to murder.
The little kid panicked, he got up, and peeked anxiously at ever each direction really fast hoping to find and escape, his hands were trembling, his voice shaking as he implored his creator some, and called his mother some.
The beasts now a few metters away, he crouched again put his head between his knees and covered the whole with his arms.
"I'm gonna die, i'm gonna die, i'm gonna die..." He cried repeatedly to himself as he strived to breath.
His echoing words resonated so loud in his mind, that he began imagining his nostalgic joyful days with his mother, memories of her feeding, playing, teaching and holding him, a last grasp of his beloved, away from the calamity he got involved in, while he waited for his inevitable fate.
He saw a demi-man demi-demon wearing white clothes, with blue lines and a hood over his head from which a horn protruded out of his left forehead, the borderline between the demon and the human side was glitching, each side was striving to take control of the rest of the body.
The kid then looked around him, dead fiend corpses were laying on the ground, his clothes were now sullied with blood and guts from the now dead monsters.
The wight then extended his hand palm up to the kid, inviting him to grab it.
Which he hesitantly did, he then walked behind the demi-human who said: "Hush, hush boy, Ecclector is here now" in a rather assuring yet cunning modulated voice.
"If I risk it all, could you break my fall?
How do I live? How do I breathe?
When your not here i'm sufficated.
I wanna feel love, run through my blood.
Tell me is this where I give it all up?
For you, I have to risk it all,
Cuz the Writing's on the Walls."
This is a story about a boy and a girl. She loves him, and he want's her dead. But he vowed to keep her safe..But how can he keep such a dangerous vow?
"Our story is like the movies. The movies with the happy endings?" I yelled as he got out of the car.
"No! Our ending is nothing like those movies Vana. Our story is the both of us risking it all and then ending up right next to Kyle." He said and sighed. And he was right. Our ending is that one fucked up movie that no on wants to go see.
"SO YOU AREN'T WILLING TO RISK IT ALL!?! I yelled louder as the rain came pouring down. He turned on his heal and stomped twords me pulling me close to him leaveing no space between us. His lips came crashing down on mine making the butterflies in my stomach errupt with pleaseure. He pulled away and sighed as did I. He grabbed my hand and ran his thumb over the knuckle of my thumb over my tattoo thanks to his stupid game of dare or dare.
"Look at the perspective of things Vana. You might see a smily face but I don't. I see a sad face. You don't want my happy ending. Trust me." He said and sighed again.
"I love you so much Vana." He said and kissed the top of my head and then walked back over to his house. But he didn't really love me. If he did he would be willing to risk it all just like I am. But I am left just like Kyle had suspected. Alone and heart broken in the rain. Because I was always the one willing to risk it all. For him.