Our story takes place in the world of Ulthron, a world split by two continents The Highlands and The lowlands. During the Great war The Kings of the Highlands fought valiantly together to fight back the King of The Lowlands and after a long and hard war the Kings of The Lowlands fell in battle and the war was over in a night. Two hundred years after the war the Lowlands now only rest in ruin as scattered lands belongs to Barons and Simple villages. The Kings of the Highlands grow more powerful every year but even among the great Kings of the Highlands unrest and treason lay afoot everywhere. Our Journey starts off with Thane Greyowl leader and Commander General of The Grey Army. While only few in numbers The Grey Army will only serve as the Lowlands only chance to redeem it's legacy and it's power in Ulthron. It will be a hard and long journey for Thane Greyowl but he will one day reclaim what is his. The Grey Army takes what is theirs. The Grey Army will not be stopped.All Rights Reserved