" A legend spins, like a fine spool of thread. 'Never go to the water at night, the Sirens will take you.' The old folks say. Sirens, a rare sight, rumor has it that 3 live in the Mooned Lagoon that center's the village. Nobody has ever seen these Sirens, the water always cloudy and seeming to be covered with a thick sheet of mist. But once in a full moon, the mist would disappear, the water as clear as the finest glass, just to reveal beautiful shines of treasures and the scales of the infamous Sirens, but nobody has ever seen them while the water was clear. Soft songs can be heard in the dead of night, 'If you leave your house when they sing, you will never be seen again.' Of course, these are simply stories, nothing to be scared of." Daichi says with a chuckle, closing the old looking book.
The mermaids of the Mooned Lagoon had always lived peacefully, but what happens when they fall for humans?