My name is Janie Andrews and I am a human. Sad I can't say the same for my brothers. My role-models, my confidants, my best friends, and my partners-in-crime... Lucas and Logan, twins, and ages 19... if they are still alive, that is. Where are they? I couldn't tell you. What are they? Well, they aren't human, that's for sure... This is an "after my whole freakin life turned upside down" story, after my brothers got sucked into a world we as humans had no knowledge of before, after the act that caused them to leave my life, for good it seemed, and even after 2 years of sitting around, living my life, always wondering what the hell happened to my brothers and best friends. Maybe, someday, I will be able to tell you about those awful events that led up to this day, but, as for now, I am not strong enough. My name is Janie, I'm 17, and this is my story....
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"My name is Hazel, but most people call me Ze. I'm from Melbourne, and love Taylor Swift." I cringe at my own words, and think back to a time where Fletcher was one of the only people calling me Ze.
"Does anyone have questions for Miss. Bolivi?" Fletcher asks, and I hate the way my father's last name sounds on his lips.
Lots of students raise their hands, and I feel overwhelmed. People actually want to learn something about me?
"Yes, Miss. Abbott. Ask away," Fletcher says to one of the girls who is seated at a table at the front of the class, with other kids who all look bitchy like her.
"Are you related to the Bolivi brothers?" Her disgustingly sweet voice pukes out.
"My last name is Bailey," I say coldly, hating how that was her only query about me.
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Hazel Bailey. She's your typical Australian teenage girl. From going out with friends every Friday night, to crushing on university boys. But what happens when this seemingly normal girl experiences the loss of her mother?
Fearing that she's going to go into foster care, Hazel begins to stress, but she quickly discovers that she's not going to go into the system.
Instead, her five older brothers have gained custody of her. The same five older brothers she never knew existed.
Something about them seems off, and Hazel can't help acting wary. But they're not the only ones with secrets.
Join Hazel in a journey of lies, love, attachment, and humor.