The four clans have come together to try and defeat the flesh-eaters. But will that be enough to save the clans when not only a prophecy looms over them, but some weird dangerous creature follows them as well? Hawkpaw finds love in Robinpaw, ShadowSight finds love in Spiralwind while the two toms Hawkpaw, And Shadowsight butt heads. Will they put their final rivalry to the side to help their clans? Will ShadowSight get over his evil plans just to be able to stay alive? Who knows... I will warn you guys, the pov's will switch between Stormstar, KestrelFlight, Hawkpaw, and ShadowSight. Thank you guys so much for supporting my original book StormStar's Curse! I honestly didnt think it would get so popular! But in the mean time, yes Warrior cats by Erin Hunter have inspired me, so the ideas of warrior cats and clans and all of that goes to them, but every cat and the name of the clans in here have been strictly made by me! If there are any cats here that resemble any cats in the books, i dont mean for that! The zombie warrior cats i have gotten inspired by another author but all the other ideas have been made by me! The profile pic for the story was made by avatar maker cats 2Tutti i diritti riservati