' A memory so far away had been growing nearer throughout the evening. Of a young, strong-willed girl chasing after her playmate on the decks of a ship. A long-haired pirate child with no parents, and laughter that filled her days with joy. They would lay awake gazing at the stars on a ship churning up and down across clear-colored waters, the boy telling stories of worlds beyond, filling Floria with imagination. "You've made that up, Jackie," she'd tease. He'd shrug, his eyes brown full of the reflected light of the stars overhead, smiling at her. "Maybe, but that's nothing compared to the adventures we'll have, Floria."
The little boy had been dancing his way across her memory that evening, and she knew, unmistakably, that here, some fifteen years later, was Jackie. Her childhood friend that would guide her back to the sea. '
(a tad of smut, violence, some mental health issues-- warnings are provided.)
This is the story of Governor Swann's youngest daughter, Elizabeth's youngest sister and the adventure's she takes with her older sister and her sister's admirer William Turner, along with their good friend Jack Sparrow, Saving her Sister from vicious pirate's, Sailing the sea, breaking curses, fighting the un-dead in the glint of the moonlight. Anne will find out what she wants from life and the adventures she is willing to go on to help her find her answers, will she stay in Port Royal and be the doting wife or will she turn to Piracy?, Maybe even finding love along the way. Will it be with her Admirer Commodore Norrington?. You will find within this story that Anne, thinks too herself a lot, she is feisty but kind hearted and loves all her friends and family dearly and would do anything for them.
*Copyright disclaimer*
I don't own any of the actor's or actresses from Pirate's Of The Caribbean they are owned by Disney or any other movie.
I only own some of the plot and the character's Anne, Thomas, Helen, Sedrick and Mr Kippers.