Long before the extraordinary was vanquished and confined to the realm of children's tales, giants walked the Earth. Sixteen feet tall, powerful, long lived, they hunted the colder regions of Northern Europe in tight nomadic tribes, thriving unchallenged... Until a tiny, clever, mindlessly aggressive, voraciously reproducing competitor invaded their habitat. In such confrontations, Darwinian rules predicted unavoidable conflict. The odds would have favored the tiny invaders. The giants' formidable strength would not have been enough to overcome their adversary's sheer numbers. After enough battles the choice for these immense beings must have been obvious-- Flee or be annihilated. Some chose oblivion, giving birth to the glorious bedtime stories in our lore...
Others fled.
Hiding from view, keeping to the outskirts, they searched for a sanctuary so remote, so desolate and so uninviting, that their relentless persecutors wouldn't bother with it. Eventually they settled within the ice of the great glaciers of Antarctica, establishing a peaceful, isolated colony that flourished undisturbed for centuries. Then a clever scientist mixed up a batch of Rare Earth Elements and created a superconducting material that could corral as much energy as the sun could throw at it as long as it stayed around the temperature of ice. The invention instantly transformed the Last Continent into a lucrative chunk of real estate. Humans and their machinery poured in, domesticating the wild frontier spreading like lava over ice, probing every nook and corner. Inevitably they collided with the hidden giants. Only this time there was no place left for them to run...
This time there would be war.
It's been years since the collapse. Countless lives lost, history, and cultures forgotten to the horrors we live today. As it stands now, only a fraction of the settlements survived since the start of the war against the monsters described outside the wall that protects us. The only way to move around the world is by air. The seas became deadly with mutated wildlife and the ground too dangerous because of the monsters that roam our once great cities.
Now its time to make a change join the Atlas and find a way to aid humanity and Stand againts anything that might threaten us and find a way to live with a new speacies.