The story of a young girl named Hatsune Yuki Miku. The sister to many, many relatives. Because all of them have Miku, Hatsune, or Hatsune Miku, so she goes just by Yuki. Unlike her other siblings, Yuki was able to make snow, but it was very weak, like her. Yuki always got sick in the winter, but she couldn't go around in the summer, that'd do the same to her.
But, one day, she was able to finally go out and about. She ran into an odd boy who was binge eating on fast food, his name, Alfred F. Jones. A lovely boy he was. He didn't even know who she was though, but that was fine with her. Yuki wasn't too popular.
Another day, while practicing snow making she met the snow master himself, Jack Frost. He decided it'd be great to have a snow buddy. Sooner or later, Yuki finds out that Frost and Jones both go to the same special school that she was ending up in.
Everything is swell, Yuki was excited that her friends were going to the same school as she and that she was doing better. But one day, in the middle of their fun conversation, Jones ended up confessing he was in love with her, only then Frost insisted that he also was in love with her, leaving Yuki to decide who she wanted. What was she to do?