Kendrin (God of death and sorrow), craves ultimate power in the heavens. His followers will stop at nothing to covert or kill any who do not contribute their prayers to this cause. He has attempted this once before and nearly succeeded only to be thwarted through the magic bestowed upon the people by Belinae (Goddess of magic). Enraged, Kendrin then crossed into Belinae's kingdom and destroyed the "Tablets of Mana" and cast the shards down upon the people of Gwenith. Many died in the 'crystal rains' and nearly all wand magic was lost to the world. Shortly after what is now called "The War of Ages" ended, Belinae gave one of her most loyal worshipers a glimpse of a time when Kendrin would try again. Now, that very prophesy is upon the people of Gwenith and they are once again at odds with the relentlessly loyal followers of Kendrin. Can the people of Gwenith once again defeat kendrin's armies, this time with the burden of learning wand magic at the same time?