In this world, there exists demons. Fortunately for the human race, there are a select few humans known as "gifteds", whom possess a range of power and abilities that allow them to fend off the different demons, ranking from classes G-3, to A-1. At least, that is without considering a certain exception, but this individual and his abilities are unbeknownst to most all of humanity, including many of the gifteds themselves.
In this story, we will follow the upbringing of such gifteds as they train and prepare themselves for battle.
Cover photo does not belong to me. Credits to the original owner from whom this was modified from.
Coming soon.
When Roger, an ordinary man with an extraordinary heart, is suddenly reincarnated into the body of Homelander, the world's most powerful and controversial hero, he faces an unimaginable challenge. Now endowed with not only Homelander's immense abilities but also Superman's legendary powers, Roger is both shocked and overwhelmed. What will his future hold???