Romeo, a boy who lived in a dumping ground in Delhi in India, had been an orphan since he was born. He was nineteen years old, and he had a talent of shooting. He could even hit a target 500 meters away from him. Nobody knew who taught Romeo such good shooting skills. Romeo had a friend, Rocky, who was also an orphan. Both of them had lived together in the dumping ground since they were born. They had not seen their parents since childhood. Rocky didn't have an extraordinary talent, but he was a good friend; he could even die for Romeo. They didn't have names even when they were 12( Romeo) and 10( Rocky) years old. So, they named each other. And, they had an uncle who told them that somebody had thrown Rocky in the dumping ground when Rocky was almost two years old. And, their uncle also let them know that he( uncle) saw Romeo emerged from the earth from the land of dumping ground. However, nobody used to believe in this statement(Romeo emerged from the land ) of the uncle even Romeo didn't use to trust in the uncle's statement because the uncle was a drunker. Even then, the uncle used to say, "I am not lying." So, to console the uncle, Romeo used to say to uncle, "I do believe in you." The uncle had fostered Romeo and Rocky since they came in the dumping ground for the first time. And, the uncle loved both of them as his children; he( uncle) didn't have his own...