A Dragon born and raised in the hands of Dianite. He planned on using the Dragon for his evil doings to bring chaos into the Realm Of Mianite. But the Dragon thought otherwise, her name is Crystal, because of her crystal blue eyes. Dianite tortures her every time she does the smallest thing wrong, and she was pushed over her boundaries and had enough of Dianite, so she fled and trained herself until she was practically unstoppable! But she stumbled apon a Nether portal, will she make the risk and go to the over world with NO experience of what is to come?
She always felt like she was missing something else inside her, she felt a strange magic telling her to keep going, will she find friends along the way to help her? Or will she end up risking her very life, to save someone important to her?
Under-estimated. That's what Ianite is. Not getting enough credit. Ianite tries hard to be the Goddess she is, but keeps getting taken down by Dianite. What can she do to prove her title, and make the Realm Of Mianite a better place again?
And remember that this is a fanfic. Some ideas are taken from the series, but in 100% different scenarios.
Hope you enjoy! \(^-^)/