Stormy Winters. A wild name for a wild girl. Party-going, laid back, and, oh. She's famous too.
A few months ago, Stormy found an app called "vine", which she and her four best friends since childhood, Jack Gilinsky, Sam Wilkinson, Jack Johnson, and Nate Maloley, decided to try out, just for fun.
Turns out, people liked their ideas, and now the 5 are touring all over, and making their dreams come true.
But what happens when feelings for one another get involved? Are their friendships strong enough to stand the test of jealousy, lies, and most of all, love?
Read to find out ;)
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
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