Cataclysm, there were no other words to describe it. A mysterious mutation sweeps across the globe, leaving society in a state of destruction and panic when over half the worlds population mutates into frenzied monsters resembling the undead. With the ongoing chaos, an impending meteor shower threatens to deliver the final blow. Martin and his fellow survivors were forced to confront a new reality where humanity's place in the natural order had been irrevocably altered. Amidst their resistance, survivors discoverer that both flora and fauna are mutating, gaining enhanced characteristics, adding to their list of threats while they themselves began to exhibit unnatural abilities. To make matters worse, mutant variants emerged, casting humanity to the bottom of the food chain in a seemingly mutated world. In the face of these unprecedented challenges, Martin and his companions must band together, adapt, and fight for their survival in this new and ruthless world.
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- Excerpt-
...With trembling hands, Bea lifted the edge of the rug, revealing a flat hatch underneath. Without hesitation, she pulled it open, revealing a narrow hole with a ladder leading down into darkness. We all stared into the darkness, knowing it was our only hope to survive our impending dangers.
I remarked, "I can't believe you actually have a bunker."
"We need to hurry," she said, her voice urgent. "We don't know how much time we have before things go to hell."
We exchanged brief glances at each other, all having witnessed unexpected disturbing events, worries weighing heavy on each of our minds. Just as Bea was about to take the first step, a deafening boom echoed through the sky, we went silent and were frozen with fear. Then another.
Dozens of thunderous booms echoed in succession. I looked over to see the others, wearing horrified expressions on their faces.
It was here.
I can feel them getting closer. Their screeches haunting me at night, telling me to drop dead.
I've never listened to them before. But it's different now.
You can't save some people, but I'll fight to the death to save humanity.
What's my life against millions?
Now just a mere scatter of survivors, the group flee abroad- in hope of finding refuge and answers.
But all is not as it seems.
For danger hides in pure daylight.
Highest Ranking: #132 in Horror