I have little to no inspiration for this. I apologise if it's low quality but I'm trying my best.
If you are uncomfortable with cursing, murder, (maybe) sexual content, blood or anything like what I've listed, I do not suggest reading.
~~a description of sorts~~
Y/n is home alone one day ( "sick" of course). she's wandering the house, like one does when they're alone, and she senses somethings off in the atmosphere. Of course, she can't ask anyone if they feel the same way, she's home alone.
Her dog begins to go apeshit while standing at the basement stairway. As she attempts to calm the pooch she gets chills down her back, the hair on the back of her neck raises, her fight or flight kicks in. She feels bet palms begin to sweat as she pets her dog.
Suddenly there was a loud crash downstairs, and it started Y/n so much she loses grip of her dog. He practically runs through the door, What will he find, and will he kill it? Who knows.