All he wanted was a normal High School career. He had a stable relationship, stable friendships, and was a pretty good student! He was also humble to a fault. If you asked almost everyone in school, they'd tell you he was the heartthrob of the state, but he'd never admit that to anyone, let alone himself. Despite everything he'd gone through, he didn't let his past affect him and he lived his life as normally as he could.
But, when the new student came, everything started to go downhill. At first, he and the newbie tolerated one another, then they became friends and everything was fine! They hung out together, pulled pranks together, they even cried with one another on occasion! Then, someone decided that they'd had enough of everybody getting close with him. They didn't deserve to be in his presence! Why was everyone getting to spend time with him?! He's not yours, he's mine!
People started to go missing. At first, it was brushed off because the break was soon, but the unrest in the school didn't go away. The principal got a call about a day after the first disappearance. The missing students weren't accounted for. The local authorities sent out search parties to find the missing students, but to no avail. Then, the body was discovered.
Heyo! I just wanted to say a few things before the story begins:
-Subscribe to the YouTube Channel linked, they inspired me and gave me permission to write this story
-I had to add/change a few things in order for the story to flow smoothly
-Ship the characters, not the actors!
(Technically Complete, but unedited)
Thanks for choosing this story!