Are you searching about supply chain management? You are at your right place. We will tell you what is supply chain management? We will then discuss the concept of is Sourcing and Purchasing. Then we discuss the 5 easy steps of supply chain management. Firstly, we discuss What is Supply Analysis? How to manage supply of products? For all that answers we select a supply of Rubber tires. We prepare a guide regarding the decisions for Managing the Supply Side of Rubber tires. Let's start! What is supply chain management (SCM)? Are you wondering what is supply chain management? SCM is the short form of supply chain management. You can say in this form; S: Supply C: Chain M: Management Basically, the SCM is the management of goods, products or any services. This management includes all its buying process, product manufacturing process (from raw material to product) storing process, and selling process. Supply chain management simplify the operations (supply operations) of the companies and increase customers values. SCM specially design efficient supply chain to achieve the cheapest feasible supply................................ for more details visit our blog: Rights Reserved