Do You believe there is more to life than one dares to imagine. That our world is full of magic, radiant beauty and deep darkness. That there are enigmatic creatures coexisting with us and there is life after death...
Do You wish it was so?
A lot of kids in Lotus Orphanage did. They dreamt of wildest things and wished upon the stars.
Long in life, not all of them got their wish, yet Emella did, she got more than she was bargaining for. She got back the person she once lost, but he came with a price.
"Time is a funny thing. You don't see it, but You see it's handiwork, You don't feel time, and then sometimes You suddenly do, You feel how it has passed, or on the contrary, how it stops. But at that moment, it was as if time had rewind itself. It was, as if when Emella had turned her gaze from the sky, she would have seen Corvi lying next to her. So she didn't, she closed her eyes instead and let herself lay next to him once more."
Usva on 16-vuotias tyttö, joka huomaa muuttuvansa vampyyriksi. Hän ei enää pysty elämään tavallista elämäänsä ja hän muuttaa pois kotoaan, paikkaan jossa asuu muita vampyyreja. Ongelmat eivät kuitenkaan pääty siihen, sillä uudessa koulussa on myös tavallisia ihmisiä. Miten Usva tulee pärjäämään?
Tarina sisältää muun muassa verta ja kuolemista.