( this story is based on the game fortnite, don't ask me to play this game I don't. I just love the skin design for some character and I love to make stories! be aware that most of the text has been imagined in a animation first, this is why some moment can be hard to understand.
but still I hope you enjoy!)
We are at the beginning of the second chapter two of fortnite, there's a group of treasure hunter ready to rob the place and to win their new land of fun. but troubles comes faster than usual and this trouble can cost their life.
They want to find the true but people get kill by a mysterious murder. some other get cloned, others falls in love just to be find in a trap.
What could be wrong in a caring crew ready to kick ass? Oh yeah... a captain that doesn't understand limits, a strong head, a dumb fish and a normal lady... nothing could happen...
Nothing at all...
Enjoy....Todos os Direitos Reservados