"Sorry to interrupt, punch is out and I thought I would let you know." He spoke, such a joking-type voice spilled out. It was a goofy voice, but cute. At least you could see his face, his hair brown like cinnamon and fluffy like clouds. His eyes are a dull icey blue and his goofy smile fits his goofy-chubby face. It's cute. Kinda like a cute candy corn. A candy corn cutie.
"Saturn, you can take care of this from here, I'll go add more punch." Cosmo dashes off to the kitchen, I'm guessing.
karl jacobs x fem!reader
category: fluff
spotify playlist based on this book: (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0BGOC6A34iBvy7MGZdVH2X?si=-YGhWq8kTZKEE81SUTr_HQ&utm_source=copy-link)