Unexplainable things happen everyday. Until they happen to you, or even someone you know you just assume they are fantasy or mystery. Fairytales and stories. After a life of unjust trauma and heartbreak I took my own personal journey of self discovery to find out I indeed was a psychic. I was being called by a spirit that needed to show me the real truth. From The Saints, Martyrs, Fallen Women, Missing Children, Celebrities, and legends to People alive and well, hiding out in the most obvious of places right under our noses. So many gone but never forgotten. When you realize you can open your eyes and truly see what is right in front of you and this world is full of magic the possibilities are endless. Long car rides and an endless playlist showed me who I was. All failing relationships showed me how to change. Spirits showing me what I really needed, and healing showed me what I really wanted. From a non-believer to full blown Believer with my own abilities, I'm living proof that beautiful things can happen once you assert your boundaries and rise above the rest.All Rights Reserved