An evil spirit that is labeled many things by those unfortunate enough to have sighted her, among such are 'Omen of death', 'Aisha', 'The macabre peacock', 'The charred goat' and 'The devil's maiden'.
They say if one was traveling by burials on foot and happened to hear noises in the distance, demonic screams like sickly goats mixed with the moans of a woman seemingly in torment, they would do good keeping their eyes glued to the ground and picking up their pace, for if one lingers long enough, the stench of death would fill the air then out of nothingness flames would ignite then quickly burn out to reveal a wraith from hell, their life is forfeit at that point.
These beings are frequently encountered by numerous victims of the locals that inhabit countries where black magic and witchcraft activities thrive leading people to awaken and set loose these ancient dark entities deliberately or otherwise, but not in my case as I was a regular middle-class working man living in a large American city wholly away from that world, but nevertheless, it was a perplexing experience that I shall bear with me for the rest of my life on earth, a close encounter with this tenebrous phantom, A'atrusa, valet of the shrine.
-Warning mentions of gore, s*icide, Jimmy, and some spoilers to the game if u haven't played or watch videos about the game and if you don't want any spoilers I suggest to play the game first before reading
these oneshots are not canon to the game just fanfiction 👁
image belongs to the title of the game and owner of the game💊