الاختطاف التعذيب كلها امور قد اصبح تواجدها في مجتمعاتنا شئ يحذث تقريبا كل يوم او كل الاوقات ونحن لا نعرف او نشعر لذا احضرت لكم هذه القصة التي تحكي عن فتات قد شاهدت الاختطاف وابشع طرق التعذيب وهي مختطفة ولا احد اهتم لغيابها عدا والديها
حكاية عن فتات لم تياس من محاولة الهرب الى ان ماتت من المحاولة
To kidnap torture are all things whose presence in our societies has become something that happens almost every day or all the time and we do not know or feel, so I brought you this story that tells about girls who have seen about kidnapping and the most horrific methods of torture while she is kidnapped and no one cares about her absence except her parents
A story about a girl who did not give up trying to escape until she died trying