It's been three years, since the Callistos have had their big adventure, it's also been three years since Miles Callisto has had an adventure with his team, Mission Force One. Things have been pretty quiet for the Callistos, but the quietness soon disappears when they are sent on a brand new mission, to visit the planet, Zormida. The Callistos are really excited to visit and discover new things, especially Miles who is yearning for an adventure. Everything seems to be going swell for the Callistos, while visiting the planet, but unfortunately for them a Planetquake occurs, and they need to evacuate the planet. While evacuating the planet, Miles comes across a unconscious and wounded girl, who ends up saving and bringing on to the Stellosphere. Miles then ends up getting to know the girl, and starts developing romantic feelings for her. Things would have been perfect for Miles, if she wasn't a galactic princess, with space criminals chasing after her. Crushes and Love in the galaxy, can be difficult and complicated sometimes...
NOTE: This is my first fanfic, and I will probably edit it as well. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fanfic about Miles From Tomorrow [The show was my favourite as a kid].