Blink. I know three things about you. 1. You're reading this description. 2. You just blinked at least three times since you read the title. 3. You don't know what a Blink is when referring to time distortion. Let me enlighten you: Blink (noun): A sliver of space where time and space change from the original time to another one. In the time it takes to blink, it disappears, hence the name. Many people don't even know when they walk through a Blink because Blinks never stay in the same place. They're always moving. But the problems occur when someone does find a Blink. If you do find a Blink, don't bother running and most importantly, don't blink. Because you can't run from it and you can't hide from it. It will find you When it does. You. Will. Be. Blink-All Rights Reserved