Previously, FRP panels were widely used for wall and ceiling paneling. They were used to enhance the infrastructure components in a comprehensive approach. Today, FRP panels are still prevalent in the commercial business for exhibiting incredible anti-microbial and thermoforming properties. However, FRP panels lack a lot of factors such as poor fire resistance and waterproofing which make them extremely unsuitable for paneling wet and moist commercial spaces. The development of PVC panels has subsequently overcome the drawbacks of FRP panels. Nowadays, every small and large-scale business is opting for PVC panels for better enhancement of structural components such as fire resistance, robustness, tensile strength, and much more. PVC panels are manufactured from pure vinyl that gives sterile finishing to the surface of panels. Although PVC panels are a bit expensive than FRP costs, you are assured to get a one-time investment solution in the long run.
Excellent Fire-Resistant Panels
Despite affordable FRP pricing, a lot of people refrain from installing FRP panels in their commercial space due to their poor fire-resistance property. FRP panels are combustible which produces toxic nitrous oxide gas upon burning. That's why PVC panels are highly considered over FRP for fireproofing commercial sectors. They have got standard Class-A feature that safeguards commercial businesses from fire for at least 1 hour. Installing PVC panels lessen the possibility of causing fire outbreak in an effective manner.
Attractive Looking Panels
FRP panels come in a wide range of colors that make the commercial interiors aesthetically pleasing. However, the colors drastically fade due to exposure to sunlight. White-colored FRP panels discolored in no time. In such a case, PVC panels outshine FRP panels. These pristine white panels do not lose their sheen upon exposure to the sunray and hence, stay in bright-like condition for many years.