Do you recall a big impactful moment in your existence where life hits you in the face to turn your life around? This is a story of one such moment. On one thunderous night, there was a canine by the name of Asher who couldn't stay sound asleep in his bed. Asher soon plans on going to a close friend's house since he didn't feel like remaining in his home any longer. Something just wasn't right within him. He had hoped his friend was awake to assist him with the tension inside his heart. Behind the House of Glass, you shall see shattering discoveries and what's behind the veil. Is the whole event just an unending nightmare throughout the night? Or is it essentially bringing stronger bonds? This is a story I did years ago. It was for a couple of OCs I made when I was younger. I've gotten better over time in my writing. Feedback is appreciative though for future reference. I'm hoping to post more stories and one novel I've been cooking up for quite some time now. I hope you enjoyed the story. If you ever want to get to know Asher and Micah more then I may post more of their adventures.All Rights Reserved