A colossal wave just swept through my room. It took my bed, my desk and my dresser in one big sweep. It left my room cold and wet. So I cried myself to sleep. When I arose the next morning My head felt heavy with tension and pain My arms felt weak and my legs felt like jelly And I had thoughts rattling in my brain. The carpet was soggy And the walls creaked and moaned I heard the room talking But I stayed silent like a stone. From far off in the distance I saw some people standing around Looking through my dewy window Wondering how all this went down. I starred back at them and breathed Exhaustion and fatigue You would think it was from that giant wave But really it was a sigh of relief. At first I was miserably sad My small, insignificant life was gone. But maybe all this emptiness Was meant to fix what was wrong. Meaningful was nothing in that room That’s what I realized walking away Just some materialistic crap Warping my feelings astray. Some days went by and I heard A small roamer of another wave But it swept through my neighbors home And washed all her stuff away. So I waited outside her door Silently hearing her weep As people gathered by her window Watching her fall to her knees. When she came out of her home Blue and red and cold to the touch I reached out my hand and told her “At least you’ve gotten up”. I gave her some advice Made her feel safe Reminded her of the world And watched her walk away Maybe she will learn like me That some things you just don’t need Maybe she will understand Something’s in life you must “feel” instead of “have”.All Rights Reserved