Once upon a time, there were four kings of 4 big kingdoms. One was from the North, one was from the South, one was from the East, and the other was from the West. Together, these four kings had maintained peace and harmony with one another. Together, they were the pillars of harmony, brothers in heart, and their best supporters. Peace and harmony have lasted for several generations until one day, greed for power eventually took over them. The peace and harmony that had lasted for several generations had eventually come to a stop as they fought for the title of "His Exellency" and the crown in which they would bow to no one. The kingdoms that were really eager for this position was from the kingdoms of North and East. Seeing that this could lead to a major disaster, the West stepped in to stop them but was somehow pulled into the argument. This lead to the birth of grudge and resentment between the East and the West. After seeing how the West failed to stop them, the people from the South stepped out and became quiet. After a few generations had passed, the resentment between the East and the West had become worse until the two kingdoms finally went to war. The East defeated the West kingdom, and was now the most powerful kingdom among the three. However, several years later, a demon king with an unknown origin began to scare people from all kingdoms. From the major to the minor kingdoms, people had lived in fear because of this sudden entity. However, unbeknownst to the crown prince of the East, he had already met the demon king from a very long time. After finally learning the demon king's identity, he thought about how he was gonna set his revenge on all kingdoms. However, the demon king had other plans in which he was ready to pay at a very, very high price. Could this lead to everyone be at the demon king's mercy? Or, could the demon king that everyone fears could actually be tamed by someone?