Harry Potter, 5th year griffindor, has made friends with a ghost in a bathroom. Myrtle Warren has kept him company for a while, and he is desperate to get revenge on the man who killed her- namely, Tom Marvolo Riddle. By the end of the year, he has been to the department of mysteries, and while there, he has found a time turner which goes back millennia if needed. He has to go back to Riddle's 5th year to make some changes. Will he succeed on bringing back his closest friend?
Tom's side
As Voldemort is sent back to the past because of a parseltounge spell he never used, he watches as Harry gets sorted under the alias of 'James Evans'. He keeps his secret as long as he can, but realizes that Harry only ever wanted to stop the dark lord from killing off Myrtle Warren, a girl who haunted a bathroom after he killed her. He strikes up a friendship with the boy, and to both their surprise, they have lots in common, from childhoods to personalities- When Tom realizes Harry has a different side to him than he shows the public, will he shun his mortal enemy? Or will he become closer than friends could ever be?