Lorcan, a Soduane warrior, has embarked on the Dragonquest of Heftreeke with his servant Cokelli. They find work as caravan guards for the merchant Beso Buzzo, learning about the lands they travel through and gaining the information they need in order to complete the quest.
At night, Lorcan and his fellow travelers swap stories of magic, monsters, and legends from their homelands after dinner. Tales of Jinn that grant wishes, dragons that breathe fire, clever heroes, and terrible villains amuse, inspire, and entertain them.
Get yourself a drink, pull up a chair, and warm yourself by the fire as Lorcan, Cokelli, Beso, and the others tell of the adventures of men and beasts from all over their world.
This is a companion piece to my novel Lorcan: Dragonquest, which I will publish at a later date.