In a world of corporate intrigue and genetic mysteries, Y/N, a brilliant chemical engineering student, finds herself entangled in a web of secrets. When she stumbles upon a dangerous bio-weapon plot orchestrated by the enigmatic businessman Arthur Richelieu, her quest for truth thrusts her into an unexpected partnership with Jungkook, a charismatic heir to a powerful family empire.
Their shared mission: Uncover the truth, expose Arthur Richelieu's sinister plans, and avenge their ancestors' injustices.
Amidst the perilous pursuit, Y/N and Jungkook rekindle a powerful connection that transcends time and destiny. Little do they know, the threads of fate run even deeper than they could imagine.
In their relentless pursuit of justice, they will uncover a shocking truth - Y/N is the reincarnation of Chreasmy, a victim of the Zicronyna virus, the very weapon Arthur seeks to unleash. As Y/N, she is determined to put an end to the cycle of suffering.
In the pursuit of justice and a chance at redemption, Y/N and Jungkook must confront their shared past, the mysteries of the Zicronyna virus, and the undeniable attraction that simmers between them.
Will their love be a blessing or a curse in this high-stakes game of secrets and revenge? Find out in "Reckoning Redemption," a thrilling tale of love, vengeance, and the unbreakable ties that bind us all.
Y/N: "I have to stop Arthur, Jungkook. I can't let him unleash this virus."
Jungkook: "Then we'll do it together, no matter the cost. We'll bring him down."
Arthur Richelieu: "You think you can challenge me? You're merely pawns in my grand game."
Hoseok Jung: "We're not alone, Arthur. The Jeons and their allies are back."
Y/N: "Jungkook, when this is over, what will happen to us?"
Jungkook: "We'll find our own path, Y/N, no matter where it leads."
"Webs Of Vengeance" - Where love, vengeance, and destiny collide, across lifetimes and beyond.