hello doctor" "do I know you" "well yes I know you or will know you I guess" "it can't be" "it is" yaz spoke "hold on I don't understand doctor who is she." 13th doctor spoke "well she's me or I'm her, basically yaz meet the doctor, doctor yaz." Master" another one seriously." He turned around to face her, "hello there" she gave her hand out and he shook it. "now where exactly are we." "it's a time schisim, were temporarily in a place where time has stopped." 13th doc "wow that Is some old school right there." "thank you, I invented it." 13th doc "so how did you call us." "With this," she showed them her necklace, "by any chance is that White point diamonds on there." "It is" "I was told help would come, so here you are my help." Master spoke "what exactly do you need our help for." She started crying "The division took Koshcei, I need your help to get him back" 13th doc looked at the master "what did you say, say that again" Master looked at the doctor, "why do you want to help him." "because I love him that's why and now I've left him behind and I don't know what they're going to do... to him. Aggggggggggh" she fell to the ground. "It burns." Yaz spoke "doctor what's going on with her" "wait I'm scanning" "it seems they're trying to re-write something, whatever it is, its hurting her." "they're re-writing koschei you need to take me to him now. Ghhhhhhh" "but it shouldn't be hurting you, why is it hurting you for." Said the master. "because of this." She showed her hand it was glowing "your bonded to each other" she nodded.