This is the tale of a lad named Izuku Midoriya, raised with a kind heart and a righteous soul, he now lives on a beautiful piece of land out in the country surrounded by the enchanting forest and flowers, a peaceful village rested near by under the law of the kingdom owned by the Bakugou family. Izuku's life suddenly takes a twist on a journey through trying love with the prince named Katsuki Bakugou, the one and only man demanding his cherishing love. Or simply the boys body, Katsuki seemed to have a unfortunate thirsty appetite, and a way of horrid discipline.
(Quirks are nonexistent in this fantasy AU.)
A/N: Would love to hear your comments, and please notify me if I may have made a spelling error. Thank you and enjoy! -Black Raine
Warnings: language, smut, abuse, non/con rape elements, perhaps triggers.