Years after the team finished YouTube they got married and had kids.
Skylar Dahlberg, the daughter of Adam, Skydoesminecraft, is a funny, laid back 16 year old girl. She is a tomboy and loves videogames. She also watches her dad's old videos.
Chase Lox, the son of Tyler, Deadlox, is a funny, smart, and a boring 15 year old boy. He plays every video game you can think of! He is louder and funnier than TY.
Jeffery and Katarina Probest, the daughter and son of Jason, Minecraft Universe, Jeffery is a jumpy and bouncy 17 year old who loves everyone. Katarina is a quiet 17 year old, but sometimes she gets loud and crazy. They are twins.
Hannah Aceti, the daughter of Jerome, ASFJerome, is a girly girl who loves pink and is cray cray! She is 17 and ready to roll! SHE LOVES BACCAS!
Jamie Hughes, the son of Mitch, BajanCanadian, he is as outgoing and crazy as Mitch and LOVES Minecraft! He calls most people biggums, just like his dad! He is 17. HE LOVES BACCAS.
Eğlence amaçlı yazdığım bir Gerçek Ailem kurgusudur.
"Baysoy değilim." Dedi. Ardından
"Tekrar et!" Diye bağırdı her zaman ki gibi.
"Baysoy değilim." Dedim sakince, artık alışmıştım.
"Yeniden!" Diye bağırdı bu sefer.
"Ben Baysoy değilim!"
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