Mandatory Vaccinations for Retail workers? Get FUCKED. If I don't get the jab before the 22nd of October then I lose my job. What's next? The world doesn't give a fuck about anything. They don't care about us, they don't care about the rates of homelessness, they don't care about the rates of suicide. They literally only care about the economy. If they cared about you sweetie, then alcohol wouldn't be legal, there wouldn't be a McDonalds in every suburb, there wouldn't be fast fashion and animals dying for food. If the world cared about you then there wouldn't be anxiety and depression in every second person, then your 14 your old children wouldn't be self harming, then the media wouldn't make women (or anyone for that matter) feel as though they have to be a certain person to be accepted in the world.
I just want freedom of choice. Covid-19 is 100% a real thing, and I 100% agree on the ENCOURAGMENT of getting the 'jab', I am still considering getting it too. But I want to feel ready, I don't want to feel forced. Mandatory for healthcare/essential workers, fine that is understandable. Mandatory for RETAIL? Honest to god I'm going to puke. This is disgusting, the world is disgusting. I am so fucking sick of everyone just treating everyone else like shit. Every emotion you have right now is valid, whether someone has it worse than you or not, and OF COURSE some people are going to seem 'selfish'. They aren't selfish, they are just trying to feel okay in their own bodies just as anyone would.
Freedom OF CHOICE is what I stand for. Going back to working a boring job every day of my life isn't all that exciting for me anyway - they're really tempting me to just run away from this place. I honestly don't want to be a part of a society that does this to each other.