Ling Jingxuan, a once world-renowned doctor and killer, who saved lives with one hand and killed with the other, was feared by both the government and the underworld gangs solely by his name. During an accident, he had transmigrated to become a man who had nothing but the bare walls in his house and two children who looked like 'buns'. 'Why does life always go through such ups and downs? Could this life be more miserable? ADDITIONAL INFO: This is a compilation of two different translation I got off different sites, From chapter 31 going forward I'm the sole Editor. I did it this way because I was at loss finding this beautiful story edited and translated perfectly. This was done for my personal gratification and others like me Translator: Guy Gone Bad and others Editor: Unscripted88 and( from chapter 1- 30 editor Gold Fairy! ) Chapters: 1 through 297/ Part Two begins from 298 all to the End. HAPPY READING!! (< >)