In the bustling city of Manila, Mayor Dion Dawson, a charismatic leader known for his commitment to public service, experiences an unexpected twist of fate. One day, a woman named Vienna Santiago crosses his path. Vienna is not just any woman; she's a self-made millionaire and one of the most successful businesswomen in the country, known for her grit and determination. The moment Dion lays his eyes on her, he is captivated by her grace, elegance, and the air of confidence she radiates. Dion finds himself drawn to her in a way he's never experienced before.
But this isn't just a tale of two hearts colliding; their connection grows more profound, blending the realms of politics and business. As Mayor Dion falls for Vienna, he faces the challenge of balancing his growing affection with his public duties. His heart is increasingly at odds with his responsibilities, and he must navigate the delicate line between personal feelings and professional obligations.
Will his heart win over his responsibilities?
Vienna, a woman who's always been focused on her own ambitions and building her empire with unwavering determination, finds her own feelings stirred by Dion. She's used to controlling her destiny with precision, but Dion's charm and sincerity introduce a new and unpredictable element.
Their encounter sparks a tale of romance, ambition, and the challenges of balancing personal desires with public responsibilities in the vibrant heart of Manila.
Started: March 2, 2022
Ended: June 26, 2022
He ordered two men he could trust to fetch the woman he had chosen to marry. But due to a mistake, a different woman than he expected came....
"S-sorry boss. Nagkamali kami ng nadukot na babae."
"Damn you, Hunter!"
"Mr. Von, may lollipop ka? Penge."
"Vaughn not Von! And none. I don't have a fucking lollipop so don't talk to me woman."
What unexpected romance awaits when a billionaire's kidnapping goes wrong?