When a hatchling named Gale came across a story of a golden egg, she believed that it was real. Everyone made fun of her for believing the myth. She was filled with anger and pain just like Red once was. When she grew, she made a mission to find the golden egg and prove everyone wrong.
Leonard plans a tour of Piggy Island for citizens of Bird Island. Gale goes into Piggy Island and steals the throne from Leonard and casts him out along with Courtney, Garry, and Sal, an artist. Leonard sends Mighty Eagle to Bird Island to tell Red what has happened to Piggy Island and what the throne stealer is planning to do.
It is now up to Red, Chuck, Bomb, Silver, Hal, Bubbles, Leonard, Courtney, Sal, Garry, Zoey, Vincent, Sam Sam, the Blues, Mighty Eagle, Zeta, and Debbie to save birdkind and pigkind from the evil plan Gale has. But they also brought Stella, Poppy, Willow and Dahlia to help since they knew Gale and about the golden egg. Along the way, Chuck falls in love with Stella and Sal needed help with improving his art skills since he wasn't good. Willow helped him. Red and Silver also grow closer as the journey goes on.
Note: I do not own any of the characters from the Angry Birds franchise.
Highest Ranking: #1 in #angrybirdsmovie and #angrybirds
Lowest Ranking: #992 in #red
COMPLETED: 3/25/2022
{Set in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers}
{Season 1 - 2}
When Rita Repulsa returns after being released, there have been five Power Rangers chosen. But, Zordon believes that they need more then just the Five that he chose in the first place.
There is a new girl in town, who has been chosen by Zordon to be the newest Power Ranger, to help them defeat the evil Rita Repulsa.
But now, this new girl has to gain the trust of the entire team, and prove that she in fact does have the skills to be a Power Ranger and one of them.
With the help of the Velociraptor Zord, and her morphing coin, Zordon knows she can do it, but she doesn't even remotely believe that she can.
"It's Morphin' time."
Carmen Storm
The Raptor Ranger
Slight mentions of abuse.
I own nothing but Carmen Storm and her plotlines and foster family.
#2 in tommyoliver (20/04/06)
#3 in powerrangers (20/02/02)
#4 in powerrangers (20/01/31)
#5 in powerrangers (20/01/28)