41 parts Complete This dramatic, action-packed, and potentially romantic horror story is based on NBC's Grimm and takes place at the season 5 finale. There is a background page that explains the world of Grimm, so this story is also readable to non-Grimmsters!
This is an AU (or alternate universe) tale. In my version, Bonaparte lives and wreaks havoc on Portland with the involuntary help of Grimm, Theresa "Trubel" Rubel. Bonaparte uses every trick in his book to transform Trubel into his obedient pet, his mindless weapon, and his cruel psychopath. Nick and the gang search for Trubel, but if they find her, will they be too late? Will she be dead or will she be someone else altogether?
Trubel experiences pain and love, loss and insanity, and so much more in her epic struggle to discover what matters most in life and in death. Can she survive the evil around her, or will it consume her?
Throughout this story, everyone must ask themselves two essential questions. "Who am I?" and "Who do I want to be?"
I hope your guys enjoy this! This is the first book I've written before!
Warning: Violent and contains mild bad language.