"Paper Hearts" Is a heartwarming coming of age novel that follows the journey of Willow Lin, a 15 year-old Vietnamese girl. She never felt like she fitted anywhere, until she moved to a small town in Vermont just after losing her mother to a tragic car accident back in her old home in the city of Connecticut. Willow was forced to move to a small town called Havenridge, Vermont, where she must start a new fresh life, until she eyed a boy, a boy that soon changed her life. Willow followed an un barring emotional exhaustion. The mysterious boy also getting distracted by her. He didn't want to like her, but in his eyes he could even see the sparkle people never noticed in her. As a shy and introverted teenager, Willow finds it difficult to make friends and fit in with her peers. However, she soon meets Charlie Anderson, a boy who is sweet, mysterious, and has a certain charm. As they get to know each other, Willow starts to open up and finally feels like she belongs in Havenridge. "Paper Hearts" is a touching and inspiring novel that explores themes of love, loss, friendship, and self-discovery. Written with depth and sensitivity, this book will resonate with readers of all ages and leave them with a sense of hope and optimism.