calm /kä(l)m/ See definitions in: All Meteorology Nautical adjective 1. not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions. "she had to keep calm at all costs" 2. (of the weather) pleasantly free from wind. "the night was clear and calm" Similar: windless still tranquil quiet serene peaceful pacific undisturbed restful balmy halcyon Opposite: windy stormy noun 1. the absence of violent or confrontational activity within a place or group. "an edgy calm reigned in the capital" Similar: tranquility stillness calmness quiet quietness quietude peace peacefulness serenity silence hush restfulness repose Opposite: violence unrest 2. the absence of wind. "in the center of the storm calm prevailed" verb make (someone) tranquil and quiet; soothe. "I took him inside and tried to calm him down" Similar: soothe pacify placate mollify appease conciliate hush em·balm /əmˈbä(l)m/ Learn to pronounce verb 1. preserve (a corpse) from decay, originally with spices and now usually by arterial injection of a preservative. "his body was embalmed and buried in Westminster Abbey" Similar: preserve mummify lay out anoint 2. ARCHAIC give a pleasant fragrance to. "the sweetness of the linden trees embalmed all the air" Read the tags and read the story at your own risk I can't stop you, but their is heavy mentions of death.All Rights Reserved