Cigarettes are basically a chemical factory. Very one cigarette is burned then it will release about 4000 ingredients chemicals such as nicotine, carbon monoxide gas, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, acrolein, acetylene, benzaldehyde, urethane benzene, methanol, coumarin, orthocresol and others. In general, ingredients 23 These components can be divided into two major groups, namely the gaseous components and the gaseous components solid components or particles, while solid components or particles divided into nicotine and tar. Cigarettes also contain carcinogens Benzo (A) Pyrene is a one of the content of cigarette smoke, is one of the substances that trigger cancer. This substance is found in people who are not active smokers, but life they come into contact with active smokers. Nicotine is a substance or pyrrolidine compound that is present in in Nicotiana Tobacum, Nicotiana Rustica and other species or synthetic which is addictive and can lead to dependence. Tar is a collection of hundreds or even thousands of chemicals in solid components of cigarette smoke after deducting nicotine and water. Tar is carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbon polynuclear compounds (can cause cancer).All Rights Reserved
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