I have to choose. My brother's best friend. Or my brother's enemy. I'm Lyric Potter, younger sister of the famous James Potter. I'm in Gryffindor like him. Like our parents expected me to be. Yeah, they expect me to be just like 'perfect James.' Gosh, I never hear the end of it, "Why can't you be more like your brother?" or "But James did it so you should be able to." I get sick of it. Nobody understands that I'm NOT James. Or so I thought. I met Severus Snape. My brother's arch enemy. I started hanging out with him. He was nice, kind, and underestimated. But then, when I look at Remus Lupin my heart skips a beat. His perfect laugh his small smile. It's all so perfect. Who should I choose. If I choose Severus James will hate me and I'll never hear the end of it. But I'm scared what James would do to Remus. James is so protective of me. But his ego get's in the way of him realizing I'm 14 years old. I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm afraid. But what happens if something happens that I can't control? What then? Also, Sirius Black is living with us and my parents think he too is perfect. Why? I'll never know. They think that James is a star student and a role model. The teachers think so too. If one more person says that I should be like my brother or that my brother is perfect or that I should be just the same I swear I'll scream. I AM NOT MY BROTHER! And I won't remain torn between choices for long. I WILL choose.All Rights Reserved