My Amazon Best Selling Short Story is now FREE - Forever!
In this life there are a great many profound questions that have yet to be answered: Are we the first intelligent life in the universe? Why are we here?Man continues to ask these questions, apparently to deaf heavens. But what if someone, or something, did answer?
In the short story The Yggdrasil Codex, two University researchers stumble upon an incredible secret encoded on ancient Scandinavian runestones. Their discovery leads them into the world of modern code-breakers and ultimately leads to a revelation with galactic consequences!
(This short story is 3200 words)
រឿងមួយនេះជាប្រភេទ BL s*x ចង់អានក៏អានចុះតែបើប៉ះពាល់អារម្មណ៍កុំបន្ទោសអ្នកសរសេរឲ្យសោះហើយក្នុងនេះក៏មានពាក្យមិនសរម្យច្រើនដែល🤏🔞 Taekook all story 🤯
Writer by me junalifa <3